Monday, May 20, 2013

That wasn't a fire...I was just thinkin'

      Head for the bunkers! I have been thinking! Yeah, me thinking can be dangerous some days. I myself have yet to figure out if thinking is a good thing or bad thing. I guess it all depends on the day and what it is that I am thinking about. So what have I been thinking about lately? EVERYTHING.

     I tend to do a lot of my thinking when I'm driving. The things I think tend to get really weird. The other day I was randomly thinking about what I would say if for some-odd reason a cop pulled me over for some strange reason. Whether it be for a tail light or broken blinker. Then I wondered if it would be the cop that was a friend of the family. He goes by the nickname 'Mississippi' (I totally spelled that out in my head using the old spelling trick lol). Next thing I knew I was doing that whole this rhymes with that, or reminds me of this, etc. Maybe you can, maybe you can't, follow my path of logic. I'm gonna show what I thought and where I ended up.

Mississippi (cop), Mississippi Mudd (alcoholic drink), Mudd rhymes with Fudd, Elmer Fudd, Elmer's Glue, Horses in Glue (I love horses *sadface*), Horses in Kentucky Derby, Derby Cars, Stock Cars, Cattle Stock, Cows into Beef, Beef into Steak, Steak on Grills, Summertime Grilling, Swimming during Summer, Summer in Northern Hemisphere, Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, God, Life, Thinking, Thinking while Driving, Driving alone, Getting Pulled Over, Mississippi (cop). Mind Blown.


Yeah....whenever I think, it's probably best to head to the underground bunkers.

Peace out, rant on!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My own Facebook page!

I have my own Facebook page! Go check it out now at and don't forget to hit the 'Like' button!
